Official Website of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha in SE Asia
upcoming events
REGIONAL Conference
Ananda Marga Vietnam
8th, 9th Oct., 2022
Our agenda is holistic, focused on integral development.
There are retreats, yoga training courses, ideological training courses, youth camps, PROUT courses, yoga detox retreats, permaculture, agroforestry, bio-construction, art events, prabhat samgiita and many others.
A Unique Opportunity for Satsaunga, Knowledge Transfer and Spiritual Experience
We conduct Conferences four times per year in different countries of Manila Sector (SE Asia). They are very popular events that inspire us to remain committed to our life-long spiritual journey to Bliss.
“The supreme spirit within humanity, neglected for ages, has awakened today. This awakening will initiate a new chapter in human history. You will all be the pioneers of the new trend."
“Life is a spiritual sadhana and the result of this sadhana is to be offered at the altar of the Supreme."
"Human society is one and indivisible, don't try to divide it. Each and every individual has to be looked upon as the manifestation of the Cosmic Entity."
DMS-Great Spiritual Congregation
To know more about our programs in your country, in Manila Sector or around the globe we welcome your inquiries.