1921 – The Holy advent of Shrii Shrii A’nandamu’rtiji, the Propounder of A’nanda Ma’rga, on the day of Vaesha’khi Pu’rnima’ at Jamalpur, Bihar, India.
1939 – The first Initiation of Kalicharan Bandyopadhyay at Kashi Mitra Gh’at on the bank or the River Bhagirathi in Kalikata, India, Shra’vanii Purnima’ day. (Thus the beginning of Tantrika Civilization)
1955 – Ananda Marga was founded. The first Dharma Maha Cakra held on the 9th day of January at Rampur colony, Jamalpur.
1958 – Renaissance Universal was founded on  January 25 at Trimuhan, Bhagalpur district, Bihar, India.
1959 – Marga Gurudeva propounded a new Socio-economic Theory calling it Progressive Utilization Theory (PROUT).
1962 – The first Avadhuta was Initiated.
1963 – Anandanagar, the registered headquarters of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was established in the district of Purulia in West Bengal, lndia. Education, Relief and Welfare Section {ERAWS), the Social service wing of A’nanda Ma’rga started.
1964 – A’nanda Ma’rga Board of Educatlon was formed.
1965 – The Women’s Welfare Department (WWD) was started.
1966 – The first missionary was sent overseas. A’nanda Ma’rga Degree College was set up at A’nandanagar under Burdwan University, West Bengal, India.
1967 – A’nandanagar was attacked by Communists on March 5th where five dedicated monks were murdered. The court, after a prolonged trial, found 18 persons, including the Block Development Officer of Gar’h Jaipur (Purulia) guilty of the crime and sentenced them to varying rigorous prison terms.
1968 A’nanda Ma’rga Institute of Technology (AMIT) was started at A’nandanagar.
1969 – A’nanda Ma’rga Congregation at Coochbehar in West Bengal was attacked by Communists on August 29.
1970 – A’nanda Ma’rga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) was founded. Kiirtana with ‘Baba’ Na’ma Kevalama’ as Ast’a’ksarii Siddha Mantra was introduced by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji at Amjharia Forest Rest House near Ranchi, lndia.
1971 – The seven year-long incarceration of the Ma’rga Guru begins on December 29.
1973 – The Ma’rga Guru was poisoned inside Bankipore Central Jail. Patna on February 12. From April 1, He went on a long fast in protest, demanding Judicial enquiry into the poisoning event.
1975 – A’nanda Ma’rga was banned in India on July 3rd with nationwide Emergency imposed by the then Federal Govt.
1977 – The ban was subsequently withdrawn after an unprecedented electoral tide that swept the Federal Govt. out of power.
1978 – The incarceration ends. The Ma’rga Guru comes out of jail on August 2 following a ruling by the Patna High Court pronouncing Him and four others innocent, exonerating them of all the charges.
The Ma’rga Guru breaks His 5-years 4-months 2 days long fast.
1978 – The Kaoshikii dance was introduced in Patna (Bihar) on 6th September.
1982 – The Philosophy of Neo-humanism was expounded.
1982 Communist activists massacred 17 A’nanda Ma’rga monks, nun and followers on April 30th, on Bijan Setu in Kalikata, West Bengal, India.
1982 – The Ma’rga Guru introduced Prabha’ta Sam’giita with His first composition on September 14, at Deoghar, Jharkhand.
1983 – A’nanda Ma’rga was declared a religious denomination by the Supreme Court of India in its Judgment in the Tan’d’ava Case on October 20.
1984 – A’nanda Ma’rga was declared as a religious organization by the Canadian Government.
1985 – The Ma’rga Guru introduced 10 new letters in Bengali alphabet to improve its versatility.
1986 – The Theory of Microvitum was propounded by the Ma’rga Guru on December 31.
1988 – Shrii P.R. Sarkar was invited by the Government of Red China to a conference on Futures of World Development In Economy. Culture, Ecology and Education. He sent Ac. Raghunath Prasad as His representative.
1988 – AMURT received the Indicator International Human Rights Award for 1988 for outstanding relief work rendered to the victims of apartheid in South Africa.
1990 – On April 2, Ac. Asiima’nanda Avt. And four other A’nanda Margiis were brutally murdered at the hands of the goons of Communist Party of India (Marxist) at A’nandanagar.
1990 – On 7th May, the Kalikata High Court in its landmark judgment on Ta’n’dava case accepted the Ta’n’d’ava dance as an essential and integral part of the religious practices of A’nanda Ma’rgiis.
1990 – On June 4, Ac Karunaketan Brc. killed in police firing at Anandanagar Pundag Railway station . The incident was instigated by the CPI (M).
1990 – In September, the Ma’rga Guru gave the initial concept for the establishment of the Gurukula University at Anandanagar.
1990October 21 Shril Shrii Anandamurtiji departed His physical body at MG Quarters, Tiljala, Kalikata, India.
1990October 26: Shraddhanjali ceremony of Rev. Marga Guru conducted.
1990October 31• Ac. Shraddhananda Avadhuta became the Purodha Pramukha and President of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.
1991 – AMURT received recognition as an NGO by the U.N.O.
1992 – Ananda Marga had been registered in Uganda, Greece, Ethiopia, Russia, etc.
1993 – Ananda Marga registered in Moldavia, Korea, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Chile. Massive relief operations by AMURT joining forces with UNOSOM in draught ravaged Somalia.
1994 – The government of Jamaica recognized Ananda Marga as a nonprofit charitable organization.
1995 Ananda Marga was registered in Madagascar and Mongolia.
1996 – Supreme Court of India lifted the notification of Govt. of India banning its employees from participating in Ananda Marga activities and also reaffirmed the Religious Status of Ananda Marga.
Govt. of United Kingdom declared Ananda Marga as a charitable Religious Organization.
1997 – Platinum Jubilee celebration of the advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji was organized throughout the globe.
1998 – Massive relief work by AMURT in the civil strife-torn Sudan and Rwanda and in the natural calamity in Nicaragua.
1998 – Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, Nepal was registered with Nepal Government.
1999 – Commendable relief work by AMURT in Kosovo civil war, Odisha super cyclone, Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes.
2000 – The district and Sessions Court of Kalikata exonerated Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from all the false charges framed against it by the C.B.I. in the matter of
Purulia Arms drop case.
2001 – Massive relief work done by AMURT in Gujarat in the earthquake-hit area of Bhuj district.
2002 – The headquarters of Ananda Marga has begun functioning from Registered Office at Ananda Nagar. Acarya Raghunath ji has been appointed the President by Rev. Purodha Pramukha.
2003: Central Headquarters starts functioning from Camp Office Ranchi temporarily.
2004 – Ananda Marga registered in Cambodia. Relief provided by AMURT to the victims of Tsunami in India and abroad.
2005 – Rehabilitation provided to Tsunami affected people by AMURT in India, Indonesia and other parts of the world. Rescue and rehabilitation work done for Katrina affected people in the USA. A’nanda Marga Praca’raka Sam’gha’s Golden Jubilee celebrated globally.
2008 – Golden Jubilee celebrations of Renaissance Universal (RU) around the Globe.
2009 – Golden Jubilee celebrations of PROUT around the Globe. Massive AMURT relief for North Bihar (KOSI) Flood victims.
2010 – Massive AMURT work in Haiti (Central America) Italy and Myanmar.
2011 – Denver Court in the USA declared Ananda Marga Inc. a religious entity being the legal embodiment of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (Central), and validated the newly formed BoD to administer its affairs.