ancient, blind, boys

Existing on the five continents, Neohumanist Education
covers several parameters and
has a central purpose:

humanize children

neohumanist kids

Neohumanist Education promotes

love and respect for all

regardless of culture, religion, race or nationality. It encourages children to extend their attention not only to their well-being, but also to the well-being of other living beings, animals, plants and ecosystems on Earth.

The purpose of Neo-humanist Education is to be a facilitator in the process of transformation of the individual into a healthier, supportive, compassionate and conscious being of its transforming positive role in society.

Children develop self-knowledge and objective knowledge. It is not only an intellectual education, but an education of the heart.

In addition to pedagogical activities, in the Neo-humanist curriculum, differentiated and complementary activities are proposed. These include yoga, meditation, experiences of self-knowledge, cooperative games, theater, circular dances and others. They facilitate the child to reflect on the world, encouraging, inspiring and educating for a constant attitude of solidarity and constructive participation in family, school and community life. Neo-humanist education inspires us to the fascination of learning for life.

Neohumanist education unleashes the infinite learning potential in our lives, expanding our understanding of ourselves and our potential. Spirituality, creativity and love are at the center of this new force.


the power to conceive and approve wonderful dreams brings life and energy to the lives of teachers, students and their families. The feeling of not being isolated and alone is in this process, because the feeling of being part of a universal family arises.

The educational model incorporates a harmonious blend of eastern introversive philosophy and extroversive Western science. Its methodology is flexible, creative and culturally sensitive, making it adaptable to different cultures and regions of the world.

The Current Educational System projects the individual as a singular entity against universal forces. Competition and the need to dominate and control are the main points addressed.

books, stack, learn


- Awaken knowledge and a love of learning.

- Provide students with academic knowledge and other skills necessary for higher education.

- Facilitate personal growth by teaching morality, integrity, self-confidence, self-discipline and cooperation.

- Develop physical well-being and mental abilities through Yoga and concentration techniques, sports and games.

- Develop a sense of aesthetics and appreciation of culture through theater, dance, music and art.

- Encourage students to become active and responsible members of society.

- Promote an awareness of ecology in its broadest sense (i.e., the realization of the interrelation of all things) and encourage respect and care for all living beings.

- Encourage a universal perspective, free of discrimination based on religion, race, creed or sex.

- Recognize the importance of teachers and parents in creating an example.

"Neo-humanist Education is an education that integrates all aspects of the individual's existence: physical body, senses, intellect, emotion, creative imagination, intuition and spirit."

Baba Nam Kevalam

Baba Nam Kevalam